
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Can I Play?

Bored Ridgebacks, you know you've had one (or two) and you've also dreaded the things they come up with to alleviate said boredom. 

One of the favourite time fillers in our house is the treat ball.

Kika likes to break Odins treat ball, just to wind him up.  It's actually just one of the ways she winds him up...  She will unscrew it, chew it and pound on it.  One day she smashed it so hard it flew up in the air, whizzed past Jims head, ricocheted off the wall and knocked over a folding table.  She was quite proud of that effort.
We have repaired the treat ball numerous times.

Kika doesn't think it looks that bad
Kika really likes to throw things from the stairway landing, it seems to amuse her 

This day, Kika threw her treat ball down the stairs into the kitchen.  Odin ambled over, picked it up, climbed the stairs and gave it back to her.  Just as surprised as the rest of us, Kika threw the toy again.  Unfortunately, Odin has the attention span of a 2yr old with ADD and was already distracted by something else 'shiney", so no repeat performance.
Kika has taught Odin all kinds of things, the right amount of wrinkles to use when asking for treats, the best spots for sunbathing, cuddling but fetching......


Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'm an Adult Now

Happy Birthday Odin - Wow 3 years old!  He's been a perfect companion for Kika and us too!  He's a fun loving, sweet fella who's always up for a good time.  A real snuggle bug and my constant shadow and I'd say a major contender for biggest Momas Boy...

Can you believe I was really this small once?

Kika took really good care of me.
My first educational toy - it was worth every penny!

Kika lets me choose the programs

Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the flowers....

We didn't do it!!
What a ham! and he does grow into those ears...
But, this is her happy face.
Still Growing....

Time for singing lessons.  Every morning we are subjected to -er - entertained by the vocal stylings of these two.  Odin is still positive that he has a very fine singing voice, the neighbours, not so much...

Bucket Head with a booboo

Inmate 665 (cuz he's not completely evil)  He just would not stay out of the kitchen.  So, one evening I tethered him to the dining room table while I prepared dinner.  When Jim came through the door, Odin was so happy to see him he rushed to the door dragging the table leg he had just ripped off.  He then got attached to the couch and he managed to pull it around the room too.  I guess he would have made a good sled dog, if he wasn't so phobic about getting his toes wet.
Odin at 7 months in his favourite chair

Sun Bums!

Let's Go!!!  Hoping to go to his favourite place - Rainbow Pet Care to see all his friends

Supervising construction of the new deck.  They were very helpful.  On the really hot days, they supervised from the air conditioned house and watched us from the windows.

Chair Yoga - Sideways Facing Dog!

I put a spell on you...

A typical weekend morning, all snuggled on the couch to catch a couple episodes of his favourite TV Show - The Littlest Hobo.  Saddly, we are not joking...

Odin and his birthday treats.  Like most kids confronted with an Easter Bunny, he ate the ears first!

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