Road trip! We are taking Kika (and Grandma) to Canmore for a trip. It's also the first road trip for Jims' (er..Kikas' new truck). Jim was certain Kika would be far more comfortable in an Avalanche rather than his Dakota. Actually my trusty old Jeep has previously been good enough for hauling dogs around, but it's a nice truck and very comfortable..
Here she is in her truck with her own seat belt. It appears she is passing the time by writing Haiku on the window.
She did really well on the drive, this was her biggest trip since her trip home from Winnipeg, we would like to make sure she travels well and aim for bigger trips and adventures.
Once in Canmore we parked the truck and enjoyed a stroll around downtown Canmore. While waiting for a light to change to cross a street, we met a fellow who said he had just lost his Ridgeback, so he was happy to play with Kika and she was happy to play with him. In fact, Kika is happy to play with anyone, people, dog, cat, anything. Her motto - got a pulse? let's play!!
One of objectives this trip was to stop in to see a store called the Mut Hut. We first heard about this store during the summer dog show ..... Now having been there in person we Highly recommend it. It has a great selection of nice products and the owners are very friendly and helpful. We look forward to coming back, and visiting their soon to be ready on-line store.
A picnic lunch in one of the small parks in town, then off to see the off leash park that was recommended by the Mut Hut. The off leash park is really beautiful, full of mountain trails. Kika met a few friendly dogs, and one grumpy one that growled at her. When the dogs owner spoke that grumpy isn't dog friendly, we recalled her - and she came rushing back to us for rewards for listening and reassurances that not everyone has to love the adorable puppy she is. She would have kept trying though, she seems determined to win over even the most stubborn dogs.
Big field. Another successful recall. The girl really loves running around in these big spaces.
Kika concurs, this truck really is comfy!
Pretty in pink. This is what Grandma bought Kika at the Mut Hut. Since they have bonded, this pup has higher ranking than some of us people (Ok - definitely higher than Jim ;). Grandma is a bit of a professional shopper so now she has a new excuse for giving the plastic a workout. Of course this was bought under the pretense of "Don't want the little precious getting chilly." Odd thing though ... Jim somehow only believes in walking her in the dark now...